
Contact Information

PhD Candidate in Coastal Morphology

Deltares / Delft Technical University - Delft, The Netherlands (2021 - present)

Working on getting a better understanding of how the European coasts have changed in recent decades - mostly by using satellite data to track historical coastal change and relate the observed changes to its environmental setting.


  • PhD in Coastal Engineering | Delft Technical University - Delft, The Netherlands (2021 - present) | Dissertation: “Data-driven Coastal Change Monitoring”
  • MSc. in Data Science | University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam (2019 - 2020)
  • MSc. Erasmus Mundus Marine Environment and Resources | MER Consortium - Bordeaux, Bilbao, Southampton, and Lisbon (2017 - 2019)
  • BA in Philosophy | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Amsterdam (2015 - 2017)
  • BSc. in Earth Sciences | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Amsterdam (2013 - 2016)

Research Experience

  • Deltares | MSc. thesis intern | Delft (2020)
  • Intituto Dom Luiz | MSc. thesis intern | Lisbon (2019)
  • University of Oviedo | Exchange student | Oviedo (2015)


  1. Calkoen, Floris, et al. “Traditional vs. machine-learning methods for forecasting sandy shoreline evolution using historic satellite-derived shorelines.” Remote Sensing 13.5 (2021): 934.

Conferences & Workshops

  • Mapping the European coast from Space | Talk | American Geophysical Union, San Francisco | Dec. 2023
  • Coastal Change Monitoring with Earth-observing Satellites | Convener | American Geophysical Union, San Francisco | Dec. 2023
  • Environmental data analysis using STAC and Python | Workshop | Deltares | Jun. 2023
  • Coastal monitoring at continental scale | Talk | Coastal Imaging Research Network, North Carolina, USA | May. 2023
  • A Novel Ecosystem for Coastal Data Analysis | Talk | European Geophysical Union, Vienna | Apr. 2023
  • Mapping Coastal Typology using Publicly Available Earth Observation data and Deep Neural Networks | Talk | International Conference Coastal Engineering, Sydney | Dec. 2022
  • Mapping Building Footprints Using Modern Cloud Technology | Workshop | CoCliCO network meeting, Orleans | Oct. 2022
  • Multi-decadal beach evolution of continental Portuguese beaches | Talk | Coastal Imaging Research Network, Toulouse | Jun. 2019

Teaching Experience

  • Delft Technical University | Teaching Assistant Coastal Systems | Delft (2021 - present) | My main contribution to this course is development of a Jupyterbook that we use to support the Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook.


  • Geo-analytics | Dask, Xarray, Pandas, and Holoviz
  • Spatio-temporal Asset Catalogs
  • Machine learning | PyTorch, Sklearn
  • Cloud technology | Azure, AWS, Google Cloud
  • OS | Unix, MacOS, WSL
  • HPC | Slurm


  • Dutch | Native
  • English | Excellent
  • Spanish | Good
  • French | Intermediate

Awards and Honors

  • Best MSc-thesis presentation | Erasmus Mundus Marine Environment and Resources, Plentzia, Spain | 2019


Available upon request.